5 Immune-Boosting Cinnamon Elixirs Perfect For Monsoon Season


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5 Immune-Boosting Cinnamon Elixirs Perfect For Monsoon SeasonLike every season, the monsoon season also has its pros and cons. While the pro is the pleasant and cool weather, the con is being more susceptible to infections. During the rainy weather, water tends to accumulate in different parts of the city, creating the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies. This increases the chances of widespread diseases, which is why health experts recommend incorporating immunity-boosting foods and drinks into your diet. Cinnamon, for example, is known for its excellent antioxidant properties, making it a wonder spice for the monsoon season. In this article, we'll be sharing five cinnamon-based drinks that you can try out to boost your immunity:
Also Read: Boost Your Immunity With Tulsi! 5 Unique Ways To Add It To Your Monsoon Diet

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Here Are 5 Cinnamon-Based Drinks That Can Boost Your Monsoon Immunity:

1. Cinnamon And Ginger Tea

Cinnamon and ginger are both loaded with antioxidants, making them great for boosting immunity during the monsoon. To make this tea, simply heat water in a pan and add ginger, cinnamon sticks, star anise, cloves, and cardamom. Boil it for around 10 minutes, then strain the masalas and ginger. For a hint of sweetness, add a drizzle of honey. Click here for the full recipe for Cinnamon And Ginger Tea.

2. Cinnamon Thyme Tea

Cinnamon thyme tea is another great tea to sip on during the rainy weather. The blend of cinnamon, thyme, and herbs is quite comforting and helps soothe an irritated throat. Thyme is said to have medicinal properties that aid in fighting harmful infections. Try making this tea today and keep the cold and cough at bay. Find the complete recipe for Cinnamon Thyme Tea here.

3. Cinnamon Milk

If you don't like the taste of plain milk, consider trying this cinnamon-flavoured milk. The presence of a component called cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon is what makes the spice a great addition to milk. It is warm, comforting, and something that you'll find tasty too. Do you want to give it a try? Click here for the complete recipe for Cinnamon Milk.

4. Cinnamon And Honey Water

You can also sip on cinnamon and honey water. Both of these ingredients are rich in anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, making this elixir great for combating infections. It is incredibly easy to prepare, and you can enjoy it any time of the day. Incorporate this water into your daily diet and see how it transforms your health. Find the complete recipe for Cinnamon And Honey Water here.
Also Read: 5 Genius Ways You Can Use Cinnamon In Your Daily Life - You Won't Believe No. 4

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5. Cinnamon Green Tea

The next time you make green tea, add a pinch of cinnamon. While green tea is great by itself, adding cinnamon will help enhance its nutritional value. If you don't have cinnamon powder, you can also soak cinnamon sticks in your green tea for a while. Sip on this tea and reap the incredible benefits it has to offer for boosting immunity. Click here for the complete recipe for Cinnamon Green Tea.

Which of these cinnamon-based are you going to try first? Tell us in the comments section below!


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